Monday, April 13, 2009

Dia:Beacon Field Trip

The trip to Dia:Beacon was very interesting, especially seeing the artists' work that I've only ever seen before in photographs. Richard Serra's pieces that were on display were breathtaking as well as Sol LeWitt's drawings and sculptures. LeWitt's attention to detail and mathematics gave me an entirely new and unique perspective on artwork itself while being able to touch and walk through Serra's enormous sculptures allowed me to experience the artwork beyond the aesthetic. Many of the pieces had an overwhelming quality to them and the amount of space not occupied by artwork leant itself to this idea. Another artist who I found extremely interesting through his artwork was Robert Smithson. Smithson's broken glass sculpture as well as the mirror in a mountain of sand were captivating and deliberate. While I wasn't impressed by each artist, overall the trip had a very positive effect on me as an artist. I found it very educational and enjoyed learning about each artist and his or her work individually.

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